This is just sad, the MSM dumps on Vets…

And so it begins. After Vietnam, the “psycho vet” meme dominated the media. Rambo only existed on the silver screen, but the MSM was desperate to try and find washed up psycho vets. Soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines were spit on by reporters, dirty hippes, commies in universities and writers.

Via This Ain’t Hell:

“Both the federal government and the state government are broke. So why are we providing military funeral honors for all veterans? It is a nice gesture we can’t afford.

Certainly, men and women killed in combat deserve full military honors. It’s a way for the country to say, “We honor the memory of those who died in our service.” These military honors — and the thought behind them — are intended to provide some solace for the families of the fallen.

But what about the guy who spends a couple of years in the military and then gets on with his life? Bear in mind that most veterans did nothing heroic. They served, and that’s laudable, but it hardly seems necessary to provide them all with military honors after they have died.

Saint Louis Post Dispatch

” Neither the recently adopted Senate budget plan for fiscal 2014, drafted by Democrats, nor the supposedly “austere” Ryan budget passed by the Republican House, touched Tricare. Hell hath no fury like a veterans’ lobby scorned, as senators and representatives of both parties know.

So do I! In anticipation of a lot of hate mail, I would note that I respect and honor America’s veterans. They should be well provided for, including reasonable health benefits. But no one — not even a veteran — is entitled to taxpayer support regardless of competing public needs.

In the case of Tricare, this is what the veterans’ lobbies have demanded of Congress, and what Congress has given them.”
Washington Post

How dare you. Ernie Pyle would be spinning in his grave.

Soldiers have been and are on food stamps. How dare you.

Soldiers are struggling to find jobs due to war related disability. How dare you.

We are losing many members of the WWII generation, all deserve military honors.


There is widespread welfare and social security fraud. Student loan defaults are on the rise. A college diploma is worthless now. And once again the media picks on vets.
The generations who fought for freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

I have a category called “Wired is tired” because I hate and it’s lefty b.s.

It’s clear now that the media, from newspapers to magazines to buzzfeed, upworthy, medialite, the Daily Show and paid lefty blogs are one giant echo chamber that hates America.

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