Archive for florida election

Iraq the world and everything Part DEUX

Posted in politcs, rankers, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , on 22, July 2008 by chockblock

In a previous Post I talked about how the media tired to re-invent the past four years.

Well now, Little Green Footballs, sends word that a movie might be made about “RatherGate.” As the story about supposed documents developed, CBS news stank into the sewer. Instead of skewering George Bush over Vietnam, Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes came out as fools. They wanted to believe. Phony documents did not stand in the way of a good story. The left wants to believe their narrative so badly they keep trying to re-tell the past. Mary Mapes wants her movie to re-cast her as the hero, taken down by corporate CBS and Bush.

This is not new.
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